Thursday 29 May 2008

You've Got a Debtor

Let me start by saying it is never fun to have to chase a debtor. You do work for someone in good faith and hopefully they pay up, but not always. I hope that my story will help others work their way through the legal system that is there to help you get your money back, but often can't.

I am a Business Performance Coach and I have been delivering consultancy services for a company variously known as ICFBA, International Confederation for Business Advancement and their real name ICFBA Holdings Ltd. Everything was going well until December 2007, when I had an inkling that something was wrong. They cancelled my contract two days after I had just done some work for them and at the time they owed me £6000.

I was a little concerned, but I had an agreement in place with them of how they were to pay off their debt so I hoped that as they are an organisation accrediting the ethical standards of independant consultants that their ethical standards would ensure that I got paid. However it appears that their code of ethics only applies to others, not those running the organisation.

The people that I was dealing with were Steve Ebanja, Alistair Quinlan and Gary Lewis. At the time I thought they were Directors of the Company; I was to find out much later that they were not. It seems that they were only consultants employed by the company while the only real Director lived in the West Indies; but I am getting ahead of myself. Anyhow, these were the people that I had to negotiate with to get my money back.

My next post deals with the initial negotiations.